The boomer generation is just entering the assisted living and independent living market. Skilled nursing providers must act now to design the ultimate unit for this generation’s demands.
What will these demands require us to change how we design the block resident unit of today? Here are the top five to keep in mind.
· Entertain – They will want places for family to sit, be comfortable, and visit in their own private room. They will want services were they can offer their guest a drink or food. A table that can pull-up to the bedside to play a game with grandkids.
· Technology – E-readers, Video Chatting with family/ friends, and internet access will be a must. They will want to research and find answers for themselves on everyday events. Easy access to news, weather, and horoscopes. They may even want to take an online class, or see a webinar in the afternoon. There will need to be spots for the resident and family to re-charge cell phones, laptops, and tablets.
· Pride – The interior of their room must be state of the art, stylish, and something they can take pride in and show-off to their families. They will want the luxuries in life as they age. Private suites will be the norm.
· Sentimental – storage space to store scrapbooks, photos albums, awards, and items that they will want to display to make the space their own.
· Comfort – They will want custom mattress’s for their condition or body. More options for what kind of seating they will have in their unit, and how it is arranged. Control of temperature, fresh air, and access to an exterior view of nature. They will want their pet, family, and visitors to also be comfortable .
I’d love to hear you input on this topic. It is obvious that the typical 12 X 16 Room will no longer be acceptable. How far will the market go? What can we afford?